In partnership with the County of Greenville, the Greenville County Workforce Development Board (GCWDB) provides planning oversight of Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Program and the local One Stop Career System (SC Works Greenville/American Job Bank Centers).
The Greenville County Workforce Development Board (WDB) is appointed by the chief elected official in accordance with state criteria and is certified by the governor every two years. A majority of board members must represent diverse businesses in the Greenville area and hold positions as owners, chief executive officers, chief operating officers or have optimum policymaking or hiring authority.
WDB Vision
Stakeholders will recognize the Greenville County Workforce Development System as a “best practice” system for consistently meeting or exceeding performance standards and delivery of superior results.
WDB Mission
To create and oversee public policy that drives a challenging workforce development environment and rewards customers by focusing on career development and full employment – as a foundation for continued economic and social growth that benefits the whole community.
WDB Target
Meet or exceed the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act’s (WIOA’s) performance measures.

Growing Our Economy
Individuals seeking a new job or interested in advancing their career may access a wide array of information on training programs, education and employment services, all of this and much more is available in the SC Works Greenville Center.

Business Services
The SC Works Greenville Business Services Team offers an array of business services to the Greenville Community through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) and through the SC Works System. The SC Works Greenville Business Services Team prides itself on its ability to customize their services to meet each individual business’s needs; from job fairs to training funds, we can help!