An equal opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. TTY: 711

Business Services!
The SC Works Greenville Business Services Team offers an array of business services to the Greenville Community through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) and through the SC Works System. The SC Works Greenville Business Services Team prides itself on its ability to customize their services to meet each individual business’s needs; from job fairs to training funds, we can help! A Business Services Representative will work directly with you to ensure your needs are met efficiently and effectively.
Contact our office today to get connected! 864-467-8080
Services available through
SC Works Greenville
List Your Jobs
List your job openings online with us for FREE using self-service tools! SC Works Online System (SCWOS) is the State’s largest workforce development database that employers can use to post positions, search for candidates, and review job market trends. Visit www.scworks.org, scroll over “Employers” at the top and click on “Find a Candidate” to get started.
Need assistance developing a job description? The O*Net Resource Center has job descriptions for just about every position! It also has intensity levels and educational and skill requirements. To access the toolkit, visit: http://www.onetcenter.org/toolkit.html
Job Fair and Interviewing Support
Businesses may reserve space within the SC Works McAlister Square Center to conduct a job fair and/or to schedule interviews.
SC Works Centers are now offering the South Carolina Ready to Work Assessments, including Applied Mathematics, Reading for Information, and Locating Information. These assessments measure individuals’ foundational career readiness skills. Please contact SC Works Greenville for more information about including South Carolina Ready to Work Assessments as a screening tool for your open positions.
On-the-Job Training (OJT)
OJT is offered through the WIOA Program to enable businesses to reduce their costs for training new workers who meet WIOA eligibility. The business may be reimbursed up to 75% of the gross wages paid to each eligible worker during their first 4 weeks of employment (depending on qualifying circumstances). The worker must be pre-qualified by WIOA prior to the start of training and the proper OJT paperwork must be in place prior to the new hire beginning employment. For more information contact our business service office at 864-467-8080 or at employerinfo@greenvillecounty.org.
Work Experience (WE)
Work experience is a planned, structured learning experience that takes place in a workplace for a limited period of time. This temporary training program allows registered WIOA participants an opportunity to gain exposure to the world of work. The training opportunity may be paid or unpaid. For more information contact our business service office at 864-467-8080 or at employerinfo@greenvillecounty.org.
Incumbent Worker Training (IWT)
Incumbent Worker Training provides resources for businesses to train currently employed workers in an effort to keep businesses and workers competitive. IWT provides funding for training needed in current businesses due to expansion, new technology, retooling, new services/product lines and new organizational structuring or as part of a layoff aversion strategy. IWT may also fund training in new businesses if those jobs are ineligible for assistance through ReadySC™, formerly the Center for Accelerated Technology Training (CATT). However, there will be a waiting period of 120 days for new or expanding businesses that displaced workers elsewhere in the United States.
Our Business Services team typically accepts IWT applications when funding is available (usually once or twicer per year). When we are accepting applications, the documents and instructions will listed on our
News page. If you have any additional questions about IWT or would like to know when we expect to accept additional applications, please contact a member of our SC Works Business Services team at 864-467-8080.
To learn more about any of the WIOA Business Services, email employerinfo@greenvillecounty.org
Apply for Work Based Learning Grants (Employers Only)
SC Works Greater Upstate provides multiple training incentives to local industry.
On the Job Training (OJT) grants are designed to assist employers with a wage subsidy during the training period, as an incentive to the employer to hire individuals who lack marketable skills for the current job market.
The Work Experience (WX) program is designed to provide job seekers having little to no work experience up to a twelve (12) week program where they work in a real-world job environment. This is intended to give them the opportunity to develop soft skills and work experience that can then be included in a resume for seeking work where experience is required or preferred by employer. All WX participants are paid SC Works Greater Upstate.
Link Upstate
Link Upstate is a group of workforce professionals who collaborate in an effort to build a talent pipeline for Upstate South Carolina. The Link Upstate footprint includes the following 14 counties: Abbeville, Anderson, Cherokee, Edgefield, Greenville, Greenwood, Laurens, McCormick, Newberry, Oconee, Pickens, Saluda, Spartanburg, and Union. The Greenville County Workforce Development Board is just one of a long list of partners involved in this initiative. Others include organizations from workforce, education, private industry, economic development, and more. Link Upstate is dedicated to aligning resources and strategies for recruiting, retaining, and training a talented workforce. To learn more about Link Upstate, please visit linkupstate.com.
An equal opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. TTY: 711
List your jobs today!
List your job openings online with us for FREE using self-service tools! SC Works Online System (SCWOS) is the State’s largest workforce development database that employers can use to post positions, search for candidates, and review job market trends.