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SC Works Greenville Center Overview
Our SC Works Centers can help both job seekers and employers access services that are available through the public workforce system. Many programs have co-located staff at our McAlister Square SC Works Center. Job seekers may use computers, printers, and fax machines for the purposes of job searching, updating resumes, applying for jobs, filing for unemployment insurance, and more. There are a number of workshops available to help customers in their job search. Customers may also take the WIN Learning Ready to Work assessments.
Affiliate and Specialized Centers have more limited services available. If you are a job seeker between the ages of 17 and 24, you may want to contact or visit our Eckerd Connects McAlister Square office for additional youth program options. If you are an existing WIOA Adult or Dislocated Worker participant, you may be assigned to the Greer office.
Comprehensive SC Works Greenville Center Location:
McAlister Square SC Works Center
225 S. Pleasantburg Drive
Suite E-1
Greenville, SC 29607
Main Telephone: (864) 467-8080
Main Fax: (864) 467-8855
M-F 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Directions to McAlister Square SC Works Greenville Office
SC Works Greater Upstate Greer Office:
*Please note that the Greer office is only for WIOA Adult and Dislocated Worker or business customers who are meeting with a designated staff member. All other customers should go to our Comprehensive Center at McAlister Square to connect with the other services and programs we offer.
SC Works Greer Office
Shared between Greenville County and Upstate Workforce Areas
202 Victoria Street
Greer, SC, 29651
Main Telephone: (864) 334-3512
M-F 8:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m., By Appointment Only
SC Works Greenville Specialized Center Location:
Eckerd Connects – McAlister Square (Youth Program – targeted towards individuals ages 17-24)
225 S. Pleasantburg Drive
Suite E-7
Greenville SC, 29607
Telephone: (864) 399-5939
For more information on our SC Works Greenville Extension Centers please contact WIOAinfo@greenvillecounty.org
Locate an American Job Center in Your Area www.servicelocator.org or 1-877-US2-JOBS (TTY) 1-877-889-5627.
An equal opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. TTY: 711
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About Us
The Greenville County Workforce Development Board (WDB) is appointed by the chief elected official in accordance with state criteria and is certified by the governor every two years. A majority of board members must represent diverse businesses in the Greenville area and hold positions as owners, chief executive officers, chief operating officers or have optimum policymaking or hiring authority.