Upstate Workforce Board, Greenville County Workforce Development Board, and SC Works Greater Upstate for Joint Press Releases


Contact: Ms. Johnnie Lynn Crosby, SC Works Greater Upstate

Incumbent Worker Training Grants Awarded to Local Businesses

Greater Upstate, SC

February 1, 2022

The Greenville County Workforce Development Board (GCWDB) and Upstate Workforce Board (Upstate WDB) periodically receives federal funds from the Department of Labor designated for training existing workers within Cherokee, Greenville, Spartanburg and Union counties.

During calendar year 2021, $656,431.78 was provided to 38 local businesses to upskill 783 existing workers in the Greater Upstate region.

Eighteen Greenville County businesses were awarded $305,806.78 in grant funds to train 385 workers. 

Brewery 85Sage Automotive
Carolina HeatingSwamp Rabbit Cafe and Grocery
Century PrintingT&S Brass
ElectrotechUshers Machine
EverworksVenture X Management
JTEKT AutomotiveVetroresina
Louis P BatsonVita Inc, Vita Vibe
MetromontWoodward Inc.
Organics and MoreWoven Electronics/Collins Aerospace

Twenty Upstate County businesses to include Cherokee, Spartanburg, and Union were awarded $350,625.00 in grant funds to train 398 workers. 

A. BergerRenfrow Industrial
AL IndustriesSealed Air
Carolina Cotton WorksSecondary Solutions
Cooper Standard AutomotiveSignet Mills
Fehrer AutomotiveSource Substrates
Green River Log CabinsSpartanburg Steel Products
GTI Chemical SolutionsStarChem
High Performance Conductors, LLCSun Surveillance
Kemper CorporationTurner Graphics

Local workers were trained in a variety of courses including Leadership, ServSafe, ServSafe Manager, Customer Service, and Time Management, ISO Implementation and Registration training, Sales and Digital Marketing, Operations Systems Training, ISO Gap and Strategy, ISO, Quality management and Internal Auditor, Value Stream Analysis, Standard Work Development and Training Record System, and Lean Kaizen and yellow Belt.

To learn more about the Incumbent Worker Training program, please email

The Greenville County Workforce Development Board and SC Works Greater Upstate are equal opportunity employers/programs; auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.